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DIY Succulent-Topped Pumpkins

If you're a DIYer, you know that sometimes projects turn out, and sometimes they don't. This succulent-topped pumpkin DIY not only turned out but may just be my favorite thing I've made all year. It combines pumpkins and succulents, after all -- what is not to love? I have quite a few succulents growing in my garden, so I was able to make this inexpensively. Even if you don't have your own succulents, you can keep the cost down by using a smaller pumpkin. The one pictured above is only about five inches in diameter. You Need: Pumpkin - Try to find the fairy tale shaped pumpkins with the flatter top Succulents - Try to choose some that have rosette tops, but also find some with interesting leaves (like jade) and some that can drape over the edge, if possible. Sphagnum Moss - Purchase at any nursery or home/garden store, like Lowe's Spray Adhesive (Both pictured work) Glue - I used Gorilla Glue because that's what I had, but I'm thinking any q...

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