Who's Type A?

It seems that I have always been the one pegged as the "Type A" in Robby's and my relationship. And it's true. Robby has joked that the best complement he can give me each day is telling me that I was very "productive." However, I think he is showing his true Type A colors since we have moved into our house. He has done an incredible amount of work -- by himself, in a very small amount of time -- often working late into the night to finish a project. His latest project was a path in our backyard, which he finished last night at 11:00 pm. It is absolutely beautiful, and completely changed the look of our backyard.

Last week, the path was cut, but no stones yet.
An up-close of the lovely stones we chose
And ta-dah!!! Now our grass won't suffer as we walk from our house to the patio.
I love the beautiful path my true Type A has created for me. And I realized two Type A's in one house is not that bad, as long as one stays outside.


  1. Wowy, amazing work. It is gorgeous. We better go by tomorrow to look : )

  2. Wonderful! I am so impressed! Nathan and I can't wait to visit.

  3. you guys that is awesome!! man your backyard is the place to be :)


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