DC Days 6 & 7: The Biggies

Our last two days in DC included all the biggies we hadn't yet seen, a few littles, and a couple revisits to places. We started Thursday with a trip to the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court, then split off while Robby and I went to see the Holocaust Memorial Museum and the rest of the family revisited the Space Museum. On our way to the HMM, we had to swing by the Folger Shakespeare Museum...but it was closed :( We did get a peek at a rehearsal as well as a wander through the garden, but those couldn't cover up my great disappointment.

The Holocaust Museum was amazing and horrible. I kept it together most of the time until we entered the room of shoes. Thousands of shoes taken from those who would be murdered. The last part of the museum is a beautiful open Hall of Remembrance where candles and an eternal flame burn in honor of those who died.

The Supreme Court was neat, especially the viewing of the Declaration of Independence and other key documents from our nation's history. No building could quite compare to the Library of Congress, though. Absolutely stunning!

A quick stroll through Alexandria and a tasty dinner ended that night. Today started out just lovely with brunch and coffee at the cafe down the block. After our fill, we headed out to a two-hour tour of the Capitol. It was amazing! After the tour, we revisited the Botanic Garden, ate a tasty dinner, got bundled up (more covered up...to fend off the mosquitos!) and went to see the monuments at night. We had yet to visit the Jefferson Memorial, so that was our final DC destination.

We've had a wonderful time, and I'm so grateful for the week we had together!
Robby peering over the second floor at the Library of Congress
Library of Congress
The gardens at the Shakespeare Museum
Coffee and chess at Ebenezer's Cafe
Nathan being silly and explaining why he wouldn't smile for the camera :)
The dome in the Capitol
Outside the Jefferson Memorial
TJ in all his glory
A highlight of the night and the entire week -- getting to spend lots and lots of time with our nephew Nathan


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