Eight Fears

1.  I am afraid of losing someone I love and not being able to bear it.
2.  I am afraid that I will never have a baby.
3.  I am afraid of dentists and dental work in general.  (I seriously need to deal with this phobia!)
4.  I am afraid of being left behind.  See #2.
5.  I am afraid of spiders.  (This fear often is the cause of my sleep-jumping, which I wrote about in my Ten Secrets.)
6.  I am afraid when I am alone at night.  I hate being alone at night.
7.  I am afraid that people won't like me once they really get to know me, that they may like me from afar but find they don't much care for all my flaws when they get close.
8.  I am afraid of making a fool of myself when I am in front of people, especially in performance situations.

I often--and I mean all the time-- quote I John 4:18 to myself.  "There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment.  The one who fears is not made perfect in love."  There is so much hope and grace offered here.  I remind myself over and over that I don't need to fear because God loves me perfectly.  He doesn't let anything happen that He is not in control of; He never uses bad things to punish me; and He is even perfecting me so I can love instead of fear.

Whew, this one was heavy!  Glad to move on from this to lighter topics...wants, places, foods, books, films, songs, and picture.


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