Centrifuge 2010
Our last hoorah for the summer was taking our youth group to Centrifuge, a Christian camp held at Jenness Park near Sonora. It was an awesome time. I know many people were praying for us (and probably me specifically), and we felt it. Many of students evaluated and recommitted their lives, and two of the students we brought accepted Christ to be the Lord of their life!
Our theme was Kairos, which is a Greek work that means "an appointed time." During the week, the word was used to talk about those defining moments in our life. Each day centered on one characteristic or quality that God calls us to have: love, obedience, commitment, integrity, and sacrifice. Some of our students were part of a painting track, and one student did this to remember the theme.
Each day at camp was a full day. We began the morning with breakfast at 7:30, then the "AM Show" at 8:30. After that, students went to their Bible study leaders and recreational time. The rec games centered on trust and team-building. From there, students had two different tracks, which changed after two days. Our students chose anything from painting to ultimate frisbee to a class on cults to a mission trip (nearby, of course). As adults, we too had Bible study and rec, although we ditched the rec time this year. The rest of our time was spent hanging out with students and leading the church group time at the end of the night.
The camp was busy and exciting but was set in a really beautiful place. The weather was ideal to sit in the shade and enjoy the lovely surroundings.
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